Outcomes from Foundation-Based Funding

Take a look at how your support positively impacts Lancaster County!

Conservation Education

Youth Conservation School

A unique residential field school for students ages 14-16 interested in all things natural resources. Field school dates for the year 2023 are Sunday, July 23 – Friday, July 28. Highlighted field trips include Middlecreek Wildlife Management Area and a Stream Restoration Project.


Envirothon is an annual environmentally themed academic competition for students in grades 3 through 12. Topics typically include Soil and Land Use, Aquatic Ecology, Forestry, Wildlife, and Environmental Issues.

Teacher Education

To provide a resource for teachers, students, and fellow county residents. Go to the Conservation Classroom page to learn more about the programs the District offers.

Watershed Restoration Projects

Lancaster County
Conservation District

1383 Arcadia Road
Room 200
Lancaster, PA 17601

Business Hours

Monday through Friday


(717) 299-5361 ext. 5

(717) 299-9459

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