Earth Disturbance

What are the requirements when earth is disturbed?

Agricultural plowing and tilling activities are exempt from NPDES permitting,  however, they do require a written Agricultural Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan. Other agricultural activities may be exempt from NPDES as well. Please contact the Lancaster County Conservation District for further guidance in planning and permitting for agricultural activities.

Stream and Pasture
Requires Installation of E&S BMPs
(Click Here for More Information)
Requires written
E&S Plan on site
(Click Here for More Information)
Requires E&S Plan approval from LCCD
(Click Here for More Information)
Requires NPDES Permit
(Click Here for More Information)
Earth Disturbance Less Than 5000 Sq. Ft.


Earth Disturbance
5000 Sq. Ft. or Greater
and Less Than 1 Acre


Earth Disturbance
5000 Sq. Ft. or Greater
and Less Than 1 Acre


Earth Disturbance
1 Acre or Greater


Earth Disturbance Less Than 5000 Sq. Ft.


In High Quality and Exceptional Value watersheds.

Contact the Lancaster County Conservation District.

Earth Disturbance
5000 Sq. Ft. or Greater
and Less Than 1 Acre


Earth Disturbance
1 Acre or Greater


Earth Disturbance
Less Than 5000 Sq.Ft.

If required by municipality
or other regulation.

Earth Disturbance
5000 Sq. Ft. or Greater
and Less Than 1 Acre

If required by municipality
or other regulation.

Earth Disturbance
1 Acre or Greater


Earth Disturbance
Less Than 5000 Sq.Ft


Earth Disturbance
5000 Sq. Ft. or Greater
and Less Than 1 Acre


Earth Disturbance
1 Acre or Greater


Lancaster County
Conservation District

1383 Arcadia Road
Room 200
Lancaster, PA 17601

Business Hours

Monday through Friday


(717) 299-5361 ext. 5

(717) 299-9459

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