Donation Information

Environmental Education

This program provides lessons for students K-12, teachers, township officials, and community volunteers.  This program also leads the Jr. EnvirothonSenior High Envirothon, and Youth Conservation School.  One of the goals of the program is to keep program costs at an affordable level in order to provide lessons to all students.  Funding provided to this program could go toward ongoing assistance, supplies and materials for lessons, and paying for speakers, food, and transportation for the Envirothon and Youth Conservation School.  Click here for more information about Environmental Education.

Watershed Program

This program provides technical and educational expertise for Watershed Associations throughout the county.  The Watershed Specialist is involved with assisting volunteer groups, which includes sixteen Watershed Associations and a local Water Quality Monitoring Volunteer Coalition.  The Watershed Specialist also offers technical assistance with stream stabilization and buffer planting and maintenance projects.  Funding provided to this program could go toward providing ongoing assistance, implementation, and monitoring of stream improvement and urban stormwater practices.  Click here for more information about the Watershed Program.

Plain Sect Program

This program provides outreach and awareness to the local Plain Sect community and helps producers increase the sustainability of the soil on their land. The Plain Sect Outreach Coordinator attends winter meetings, field days, and one-on-one meetings with Plain Sect farmers and leaders within the community. The Plain Sect Outreach Coordinator also assists with completing Manure Management Plans, which help the producers manage their nutrients in a more economically and environmentally viable way. Funding provided to this program could go toward providing ongoing assistance and for equipment and supplies for presentations and field days.


This program provides technical assistance, outreach, and awareness to the agricultural community in the county.  Technical assistance provided includes planning, designing, and implementing Best Management Practices, which increase the sustainability of the soil and the farm.  Funding provided to this program could go toward ongoing assistance, equipment and supplies for designing Best Management Practices, as well as implementation of these practices.  Click here for more information about the Agriculture Program.

Please complete the Donation Form and mail your tax deductible donation to:

The Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County
Attention: Chris Thompson
1383 Arcadia Road, Room 200
Lancaster, PA 17601

Checks should be made payable to:
“Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County”

Lancaster County
Conservation District

1383 Arcadia Road
Room 200
Lancaster, PA 17601

Business Hours

Monday through Friday


(717) 299-5361 ext. 5

(717) 299-9459

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