
Compliance Assistance and Educational Outreach

The Lancaster County Conservation District consults with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to enhance the administration of the Biosolids Program in Lancaster County through technicial assistance and educational outreach. The District believes that its involvement in the land application of biosolids will serve to better protect the county’s natural resources and to promote the sustainability of our agricultural lands.

What Are Biosolids?

Biosolids are wastewater solids (sewage sludge and residential septage) that have been chemically or biologically treated to produce a nutrient-rich organic material. Only those biosolids that meet strict quality standards for pollutants, pathogens and vector attraction may be land applied for beneficial purposes. All other biosolids must be disposed in a landfill or incinerated. Biosolids are land applied to agricultural fields by certified applicators to meet agronomic crop needs. This material contains nutrients and trace elements necessary to maximize crop growth and yield, allowing farmers to save money by reducing the need for expensive commercial fertilizers.

For further information about Biosolids, please contact Kevin Seibert, Agriculture Compliance Coordinator at 717-874-2524


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Manure storage and farm silos

Lancaster County
Conservation District

1383 Arcadia Road
Room 200
Lancaster, PA 17601

Business Hours

Monday through Friday


(717) 299-5361 ext. 5

(717) 299-9459

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