Agriculture Conservation Funding

The Agriculture Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP)

ACAP was created through the Clean Streams Fund established by the FY2022-23 General Funds Sate Budget. The purpose of the program is to assist farmers and landowners in the design and installation of agricultural BMP’s that will reduce or prevent nutrient and sediment losses from their farms and improve water quality and soil health across the Commonwealth​. For more information, Click Here [button]

Conservation Excellence Grant Program (CEG)

The purpose of the CEG Program is to provide financial and technical assistance for the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) on agricultural operations in high-priority locations within the Commonwealth through grants, loans and tax credits, or a combination of all three. For more information, Click Here [button]


The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

CREP is a voluntary land retirement program that helps agricultural producers protect environmentally sensitive land, decrease erosion, restore wildlife habitat, and safeguard ground and surface water.For more information on cost share programs, please contact:

Ashley E. Spotts
717-314-3297 cell
717-299-5361 ext. 2526

The Resource Enhancement and Protection Program (REAP)

REAP allows farmers and businesses to earn tax credits in exchange for “Best Management Practices” (BMPs) on agricultural operations that will enhance farm production and protect natural resources. The program is administered by the State Conservation Commission and the tax credits are awarded by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. Eligible applicants may receive between 50% and 75% of project costs as state tax credits for up to $150,000 per agricultural operation.  The amount of tax credit available to a recipient is dependent on the type of BMP implemented.

The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

EQIP was reauthorized in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (Farm Bill) to provide a voluntary conservation program for farmers and ranchers that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality as compatible national goals. EQIP offers financial and technical help to assist eligible participants install or implement structural and management practices on eligible agricultural land.

The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP)

ACEP provides financial and technical assistance to help conserve agricultural lands and wetlands and their related benefits. Under the Agricultural Land Easements component, NRCS helps Indian tribes, state and local governments and non-governmental organizations protect working agricultural lands and limit non-agricultural uses of the land.  Under the Wetlands Reserve Easements component, NRCS helps to restore, protect and enhance enrolled wetlands.

The Conservation Stewardship Program

This program helps agricultural producers maintain and improve their existing conservation systems and adopt additional conservation activities to address priority resources concerns.  Participants earn CSP payments for conservation performance – the higher the performance, the higher the payment.

The Agricultural Management Assistance Program (AMA)

AMA helps agricultural producers use conservation to manage risk and address natural resource issues through natural resources conservation. NRCS administers the AMA conservation provisions, while the Agricultural Marketing Service and the Risk Management Agency implement other provisions under AMA.

Lancaster County
Conservation District

1383 Arcadia Road
Room 200
Lancaster, PA 17601

Business Hours

Monday through Friday


(717) 299-5361 ext. 5

(717) 299-9459

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